Showing posts from 2018
Figuring the diversity between the International and Indonesian Journal
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Analysing Parts of Article
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Hello good people! Welcome back to my little tiny adorable blog! This time I am analysing the article, still the same article as my previous post. Check it out! The Abstract The abstract of the article explain that speaking is one of the crucial medium for effective communication indicated for the English as Foreign Language pedagogy environment. The article was made through qualitative research design and with a task-based approach for undergraduate students. And the result was the key aspect of improving speaking such as confidence, creativity of topics and speaking competence. The Introduction One of the necessary macro skills of effective communication is speaking. English is also a universal language of communication, especially in the internet world, and this English speaking skill should be improved. The medium to improve the speaking skill was made by Bailey (2005) and Goh (2007), such as syllabus design, principles of teaching, types of tasks and materials, and spea
What kind of scientific article that is qualified for us?
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Aloha good people! Wishing nothing but the best for you and for myself. Today I probably will post such a sort blog and it will be about my comparison to the article I've read with the supposed-to-be scientific article. Scientific article is a type of article that is needed in education life, almost the same like scientific journal. It is mostly created to report the latest research by someone which then will help academic people study things related to that article or journal. Scientific paper has some requirement part such as : 1. Title 2. Abstract 3. Introduction 4. Review of the related literature 5. Methodology 6. Result 7. Discussion 8. Conclusion And after finding out that requirement parts, I looked back to check the article I have read. Why? Of course to make sure that I read the right article to help my study. And here are some parts that is existed on the article I've read : 1. Title (Of course it existed. Imagine an article without a title? lmao th
How did I find a Scientific Article.
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Hello folks. Hoping the same as always, I hope you are in a good condition, have a wonderful life and full of bliss. This time I would like to tell and share to you guys how did I find a scientific article for my reading assignment. It was quite hard actually, to find a scientific article especially for the first time. The assignment was to find the article based on our interest in English skill. For example in speaking, reading, listening, writing an so on. The time where my lecturer asked me to find the article, I browse the internet with these words"Speaking article" and "Article about speaking." Surely I picked the article because my interest was in speaking. I picked one article about the characteristics of a good speaker but then the next assignment was to write a summary that was in the article. The bad thing is, it wasn't a right article. There is no abstract in the article that I found, so I have to find a new article and there I went back to bro
The Abstract explanation
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Hello guys! How y'all doing these days? Welcome back to this blog and I'll share my short thoughts after reading an article about speaking skill. So the article that I picked was "Enhancing the development of speaking skills for non-native speakers of English" by Kamonpan Boonkit. In that article I found the abstract explained that Speaking skill is one of many skills that affect our communication in life, either it is as our mother language or even our second foreign language. And it is really crucial for me and other soon to be an English teacher to improve our speaking skill, why? However, we aim to teach them English. we shall speak in a right way. The needs of improving and answering some questions that shows up about the topic of "Speaking Skill" led Kamonpan to do a qualitative research design as an action study. And the research signify that confidence, creativity of topics, and speaking competence were the key aspects of improvement when spea
Reviewing Article: Characteristics of Effective Public Speakers by Peter Khoury
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Aloha! Welcome back to my blog.. In this opportunity I make another resume about the article that I have read, it is more about speaking skill. I’ll cut off the small talk and let’s just get started! As a teacher, we are included as a public speaker. The general definition about public speaker is actually how you can share an idea in front of many audiences. And there are some scientifically-proven characteristics that we shall imitate as a public speaker. The first one is confidence, this means that confidence is one of the important element for a public speaker. On the article, it shows that being nervous for speaking in public is normal, but however confidence is one the key to deliver our speech more smoothly. According to a study published by the University of Wolverhampton “A highly confident speaker is viewed as being more accurate, competent, credible, intelligent, knowledgeable, likeable, and believable than the less confident uncertain speaker.” The second
Reviewing my friend's chosen book
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Hello! This very-amateur-writer-wannabe is back with another book review. This one I got the opportunity to read my friend's blog and make another resume of it, and the blog I chose is.... Yay!!! Congratulation for your not-so-lucky chance to be chosen by me hahahaha. ????? Moving on, this post if going to be very thick because I'm going to summarize all the chapter in one post so here we go from the very beginning.. Oh and by the way the book is Classroom Communication and Diversity by Robert G. Powell and Dana L. Powell. Chapter 1: The Foundations of Classroom Communication and Diversity Human communication is ubiquitous. It exists everywhere and has profound impact on what unfolds in a communication setting. All that happens in the classroom is created and sustained through communication processes. Lesson plans, teaching methods, discipline strategies, explanations, and critiques of student work occur through the co