The Abstract explanation

Hello guys! How y'all doing these days? Welcome back to this blog and I'll share my short thoughts after reading an article about speaking skill.

So the article that I picked was "Enhancing the development of speaking skills for non-native speakers of English" by Kamonpan Boonkit. In that article I found the abstract explained that Speaking skill is one of many skills that affect our communication in life, either it is as our mother language or even our second foreign language. And it is really crucial for me and other soon to be an English teacher to improve our speaking skill, why? However, we aim to teach them English. we shall speak in a right way. The needs of improving and answering some questions that shows up about the topic of "Speaking Skill" led Kamonpan to do a qualitative research design as an action study. And the research signify that confidence, creativity of topics, and speaking competence were the key aspects of improvement when speaking to the audience.

so that was just a little re-explanation that i made after reading the abstract of "Enhancing the development of speaking skills for non-native speakers of English" article.

Hoping to see you soon! Have a great day x
*for those who read my blog xoxoxoxo


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