What kind of scientific article that is qualified for us?

Aloha good people! Wishing nothing but the best for you and for myself. Today I probably will post such a sort blog and it will be about my comparison to the article I've read with the supposed-to-be scientific article.

Scientific article is a type of article that is needed in education life, almost the same like scientific journal. It is mostly created to report the latest research by someone which then will help academic people study things related to that article or journal.
Scientific paper has some requirement part such as :

1. Title
2. Abstract
3. Introduction
4. Review of the related literature
5. Methodology
6. Result
7. Discussion
8. Conclusion

And after finding out that requirement parts, I looked back to check the article I have read. Why? Of course to make sure that I read the right article to help my study. And here are some parts that is existed on the article I've read :

1. Title (Of course it existed. Imagine an article without a title? lmao that is hard to imagine. Probably doesn't exist)
2. Abstract
3. Introduction
4. Literature review
5. Research methodology
6. Findings and discussions
7. Conclusion and implications
and of course there's a reference at the end of the page.

So I might say, the article that I have read (Enhancing the development of speaking skills for non-native speakers of English by Kamompan Boonkit) is a right article for me to help my study. I have to say also that if you love a subject related to speaking and want to read a qualified article, you might check that article.

Guessing that's all for today, I hope you can get a little information from my post even it isn't that wonderful. A little information is better than nothing.

Again thanks for checking out my blog, see you again soon!
*and I hope in a good condition xx


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