
Showing posts from January, 2018

Reviewing my friend's chosen book

Hello! This very-amateur-writer-wannabe is back with another book review.  This one I got the opportunity to read my friend's blog and make another resume of it, and the blog I chose is.... Yay!!! Congratulation for your not-so-lucky chance to be chosen by me hahahaha. ????? Moving on, this post if going to be very thick because I'm going to summarize all the chapter in one post so here we go from the very beginning.. Oh and by the way the book is Classroom Communication and Diversity by Robert G. Powell and Dana L. Powell. Chapter 1: The Foundations of Classroom Communication and Diversity Human communication is ubiquitous. It exists everywhere and has profound impact on what unfolds in a communication setting. All that happens in the classroom is created and sustained through communication processes. Lesson plans, teaching methods, discipline strategies, explanations, and critiques of student work occur through the co...